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Every bouquet is a soulful adventure for us.
819.00 lei
Bouquet with 51 red roses and greenery.
Flowers bring happiness to the people. This Bouquet of 51 red roses will be a beautiful surprise to anyone. For sure this bouquet made by our florists at the Purple Flowers online Flower Shop can transform a regular day into a memorable one. Add your special message to the flowers and we will deliver it as soon as possible. There is no better way of saying „I love you!”, „Happy Birthday!” or „Congratulations!” than with a bouquet of flowers.
To enjoy this bouquet of flowers as much as possible, replace the water in the vase and cut about 1-2 cm of the flower stems every day. The bouquet will only be placed indoors, away from direct sunlight and away from air conditioners and heaters. The recommended temperature for keeping flowers should not be higher than 20 degrees Celsius.
Delivery is free and can be done in 4-6 hours in Bucharest and surrounding areas. Delivery can be done also ANYWHERE IN ROMANIA in at least 24-48 hours, by courier.
This product is perishable and can not be returned. This product was designed to bring us happiness and it is not intended for human consumption.
When in doubt, say it with flowers!
Delivery of the flower bouquet is free for orders over 100 lei or 19 lei for orders under 100 lei.
Delivery in Bucharest (and in the surrounding areas) can be done in 2-6 hours, by our own couriers. Orders placed before 18:00 can be delivered the same day.
Delivery of flowers to other cities of the country (Sibiu, Brasov, Timisoara, Cluj, Iasi, Constanta, Ramnicu Valcea, Suceava, etc.) can be done in 1-2 working days with other courier companies
The delivery schedule is M-F: 10:00 – 21:00, S-S: 10:00 – 19:00, in busy periods (Name Days/ March 1-8) it can be extended until 23:00.
Between March 1-8, both in Bucharest and in the province, we cannot guarantee the delivery date regardless of when the order is placed. Although we can process a very large volume of orders, during this period deliveries can be made 1-2 days late.
We deliver FREE of charge in 2-6 hours in Bucharest and the surrounding areas, and in 24-48 hours anywhere in Romania.
Send us your contact details and a few details and we will be happy to contact you to set up a meeting
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